Fantasy Racing : rules of the game

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Goal of the game

A game is a race between the different competitors, who move towards the finish line (at the bottom of the board).
When a player reaches the bottom and crosses the line, he returns to the top of the board and begins another round: the bottom and the top of the board wrap around (as do the left and right edges).

The image opposite shows a game board with the start line and the finish line. The arrows illustrate that the top/bottom and left/right edges of the board wrap around.

Your goal is to have the most points at the end of the game..
Points are earned and lost in the following ways:

Some characters have special rules that can also earn them points, see the characters.

Game duration

Each game lasts a certain number of game turns (between 5 and 15). The number of laps is indicated at the top left of the screen. e careful, we are talking about rounds of play here and not rounds of the track.

The dice

Several types of dice are used during a game:

6-sided dice, denoted "D6".
The opposite faces are: 1-6, 2-5, 3-4.

3-sided dice, denoted "D3".
The opposite faces are 1-3.

10-sided dice, denoted "D10".
The opposite faces are 1-10, 2-9, 3-8, 4-7, 5-6.

The "combat" die", used to obtain the result of a confrontation, denoted "DCOMBAT"
It has three faces: defeat, simple victory, overwhelming victory.
Note: behind this die is actually a 100-sided die, whose opposite sides are: 1-100, 2-99, 3-98, etc.

The "theft" die, allowing the thief to try to steal objects from his opponents, denoted "DTHEFT"
It has two sides: successful theft, failed theft.
Note: behind this die is actually a 100-sided die, whose opposite sides are: 1-100, 2-99, 3-98, etc.

Le dé "rapide", utilisé en phase de déplacement par les personnages ayant la règle spéciale "rapide", noté "DRAPID"
Il possède quatre faces : 2, 3, 4, 5 et les faces opposées sont 2-5, 3-4.

The "object" die, used to obtain a magic object after recovering a chest, denoted "DOBJ".


Important note: all players who have not yet taken their first turn are protected: they cannot be targeted (by objects) or attacked in melee. To represent this, their character is displayed as transparent on the game board.

In the first turn of the game, the order of play is random.
From the second round, the players play in order from last place to first (the player with the fewest points goes first, the one with the most plays last).

A game turn consists of three phases:

The fights

When a player ends a move on a square occupied by an opponent, a fight is triggered.

Attacker & defender

The application determines which player is the attacker and which player is the defender.
The moving player is the attacking player EXCEPT in the following cases:

In these cases, the player occupying the square before the move is the attacker.

Combat Resolution

The attacker rolls the combat die to find the result:

* The probabilities of defeat / simple victory / crushing victory are modified by each character. See "Characters" below.

Tactical move

In addition to inflicting a shock on the vanquished, the winner of a fight obtains a tactical move allowing him to move one space to the right or to the left.

After his victory in combat the goblin obtains a tactical move allowing him to shift one space to the right or to the left. He also has the option of staying put.

The shocks

There are two types of shocks, both of which cause the player taking them to recoil.
When a player suffers a shock, he rolls a die in order to see the space to which he is retreating:

Use of shields

If a shocked player has a shield, he can use it. In this case the shock is ignored but the player loses 2 points. If the shield is not used, the player keeps it and the shock is suffered.

The obstacles on the circuit

Five types of obstacles can be found on the game board.

Barriers: Barriers block the way, they cannot be crossed.
However, they can be targeted by a magic spear, a magic throwing ax or a fireball (from the ring of fire and the wand of fire) in order to be destroyed.
They protect against recoil due to shocks: if a player had to retreat on a barrier or on a box located above following a shock, he will stop instead on the box under the barrier. (see end of section for example)
If a player finds himself on a barrier (following a shortcut, for example), the barrier is destroyed and this player suffers a small shock.
Rocks: these follow the same rules as barriers, with the following exceptions:
  • Rocks are indestructible
  • Spears and axes cannot pass over them.
  • Fireballs (from the ring of fire and the wand of fire) can however pass over it.
  • If a player finds himself thrown onto a rock (following a shortcut for example) he suffers a small shock during which it is impossible to use a shield.
Holes: Holes slow down progress… unless you have enough momentum to jump them!
When a player must move over a hole:
  • If there are at least two squares between the player and the hole: the hole is ignored and the movement takes place normally.
  • If there are less than two squares between the player and the hole: the movement is stopped on the square located just after the hole.
On the other hand, if a player ends a movement (normal movement, shock, skid, etc.) on a hole, he falls into it and comes out of it on the square just before the hole. Falling into a hole also causes him to lose 2 points.
Shortcuts: shortcuts allow players who use them to move forward several spaces... or make them go back!
When a player arrives on a shortcut, he must roll 1D10 and find himself teleported to the space corresponding to the result (40% chance of going back, 60% of going forward). The maximum retreat is 4 squares and the maximum advance 5 squares.
A player always has the possibility of interrupting a movement which would pass over a shortcut on the shortcut. The movement ends and the shortcut is triggered.
Traps: when a player places a trap on the ground, it becomes an obstacle inflicting a big shock on the first player arriving on it.
Traps can be targeted with a magic spear, magic throwing axe, or fireball (from the ring of fire and the wand of fire) in order to be destroyed.

Example of the protection conferred by barriers and rocks:

The images opposite illustrate the fact that barriers and rocks protect against recoil due to shocks:
  • The image on the left shows the possibilities of recoil following a big shock, without protection.
  • The image on the right shows the possibilities of recoils following the same type of shock, but with two barriers and a rock impeding the path of movement.

Les objets

Différents objets peuvent se trouver sur les cases du circuit :

Lorsqu'un joueur passe (ou termine son déplacement) sur un trèfle / un bouclier / une pièce d'or , il reçoit directement l'objet dans son inventaire.

Lorsqu'un joueur passe (ou termine son déplacement) sur un coffre , son mouvement est interrompu le temps de résoudre la prise de l'objet magique.
Pour ce faire le joueur lance le DKDO , qui indique l'objet obtenu. Si le joueur possède un trèfle , il peut l'utiliser pour modifier l'objet qu'il obtient.

Disparition et réapparition des objets

Une fois pris par un joueur, l'objet ou le coffre disparait du plateau de jeu (l'icône devient grisée). Mais cela n'est généralement pas définitif : au début de plusieurs tours d'une partie, tous les objets et coffres réapparaissent. Ces tours sont indiqués en haut à gauche de l'écran.

Les bonus / malus

le magearbitre aime les courses à suspense. Du coup, il favorise les joueurs à la traine et pénalise ceux en tête.
En terme de jeu cela signifie que les joueurs ayant le plus de points obtiennent des objets moins intéressants, et ceux ayant le moins de points obtiennent davanatage d'objets puissants. Ce bonus / malus est symbolisé par l'icône "coffre" située à droite de chaque personnage :

Les objets disponibles

Voici les différents objets pouvant être obtenus dans les coffres et leurs effets :
Note : tous les objets ayant des "cibles" peuvent cibler les adversaires (pour infliger un choc) ou les barrières et les pièges (pour les détruire)

Les personnages

Au début d'une partie, il vous est demandé de choisir un personnage parmi ceux existants. Chaque personnage possède des points forts et des faiblesses dont voici les détails :

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